Bozeman Montana Fishing Reports

BFO’s own Straight-to-the-Point Bozeman and Big Sky Fishing Reports

Here you will find accurate fishing information for fly fishing rivers and creeks near Bozeman, Big Sky, Yellowstone National Park, and various waters around Montana. These reports are provided from our owner and our guides for Bozeman fly fishing reports. If you don’t see an up to date report but are curious about conditions, drop us a line!

Yellowstone River


Windy, windy, and more wind!

Check back mid-week as with the wind comes some possible snow…and we need it!

Bozeman and Billings are the two closest airports. Bozeman is closer to the more well-known sections of the Yellowstone and is a popular jumping-off point for anglers headed to the Yellowstone. However, it is the town of Livingston that is the epicenter of the Yellowstone’s fly fishing activity. If a town were to be created by a fly fisher, Livingston would be that town—not too big, not too small, not over-priced, yet there is no Wal-Mart in town, and has the perfect mix of great food, lodging, and good beer. Plus, the river literally runs right through town as there are two Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks state managed access sites in town. Very few cities in Montana can lay claim to that.

Madison River


Hurricane Madison right now…but by Tuesday it will chill and we’ll be back to solid fishing over there!

Around Three Dollar Bridge the fishing has been quite good. But bitter cold is coming…so prepare to stay inside and watch the NFL playoffs this weekend! For more Bozeman fly fishing reports check back often.

The diversity of water on the Madison is the appeal. From meandering pools just outside of Yellowstone National Park to the 60-mile long riffle-run stretch between Quake Lake and Ennis to the gnarly whitewater in the Beartrap Canyon and finally the lower elevation bends and braids of the river before it joins the Jefferson and the Gallatin to form the Missouri, the Madison’s course is much like all of Montana’s waters combined.


Need some great reading material, check out Pat’s books or feature stories:

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Fly Fishing

Montana On The Fly